A woman from Builth Wells is gearing up for a charity walk to celebrate 30 years of Velindre University NHS Trust.

26-year-old Gwen Davies, from Builth Wells, will be walking with her colleagues at Golley Slater.

On Friday, June 14, 40 team members will take on the #DiolchVelindre challenge and walk an impressive 30 miles in just one day. They'll start in Tredegar, the birthplace of NHS founder, Aneurin Bevan, and end at Velindre Cancer Centre in Whitchurch.

The participants will brave 14 hours of rigorous walking, navigating Wales’ valleys and tackling challenging terrain before conquering the final stretch along the Taff Trail.

Gwen, an account manager at the agency and challenge instigator, said: “After an unexpected diagnosis earlier this year, my mum has been receiving incredible treatment at Velindre. We’re so grateful for the support the charity has offered the family – but it’s her incredible strength and determination on her cancer journey that motivated me to set up this challenge.

“With a few of my colleagues going through a similar situation to me, we were trying to think of a way to rally the team to raise money for Velindre. Last year we raised over £5,000 for City Hospice by doing the Cardiff Bay 10k, but this year we wanted to step it up.”

Ianto Phillips from Cardiff is Golley Slater’s Welsh language lead. His mum has also received treatment at Velindre, and he is the mastermind behind the route. He said: "We’re blown away by the support we’ve received from our colleagues at Golleys who have come together to grab the challenge by the horns – and we’re ready to smash our target for our loved ones and everyone else’s loved ones affected by cancer.”

Commenting on Golley Slater’s challenge for the Centre’s 30th anniversary, Kylie Mckee, head of fundraising, said: "We are thrilled that Golley Slater has chosen to undertake this epic challenge in honour of our 30th anniversary. This unprecedented event not only raises vital funds but also highlights the incredible dedication of our supporters.”