Powys Liberal Democrats have welcomed news that Hitachi is to partner with the Global Centre of Rail Excellence in south Powys. 

This morning Hitachi announced it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding to test rolling stock, digital solutions and battery technology at the Rail Centre. 

Commenting Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader and Mid & West Wales Senedd Member Jane Dodds said: “This is yet more welcome investment into our County that will provide a much-needed boost for the economy and jobs in the South of Powys. 

“It is exciting to see the delivery of a world-class centre of rail innovation that is already attracting world-class companies. 

Adding his comments, Welsh Liberal Democrat Candidate for Brecon and Radnorshire David Chadwick said: 

“The villages and communities around the GCRE site deserve good jobs and prosperity and it is great to see the project is already bringing in increased investment. 

“I know Kirsty Williams and the Welsh Liberal Democrats lobbied the Welsh Government hard to bring this project to the South of Powys when she was in the Senedd. These kinds of results show what a difference Liberal Democrat representation can bring.”