A Dyfed-Powys Police officer has been barred from the profession after abandoning a sex worker he was trying to secure the services of.

On 11 March 2025, an Accelerated Misconduct Hearing was held at Dyfed-Powys Police Headquarters in respect of former police officer referred to as Former Officer A.

The former officer has however been granted anonymity, Dyfed-Powys Police says 'in the interest of promoting the welfare of third parties, mitigating against any adverse impact or harm upon said persons in accordance with the Home Office Guidance (2020)'.

Former Officer A resigned from the force on 28 February, while under investigation for the following offences.

On 8 May 2024 Former Officer A instigated contact with a known sex worker, which continued up to and including contact on 4 June 2024, whereby the former officer exchanged messages with the sex worker - while both on and off-duty.

The intent of this contact was to secure or attempt to secure the individual’s sexual services.

On 4 June 2024, while off duty, Former Officer A proceeded to meet with the same sex worker, collecting her from her place of residence and conveying her to a location in the Morriston area, where she was led to believe she was to be paid for her sexual services. Former Officer A conversely abandoned the female in the locality before making off.

Former officer proceedings were instigated on the premise that had Former Officer A still been serving then the conduct in question would have warranted his dismissal from the force and his addition to the College of Policing Barred List, which would prevent him re-entering the police service or specified law enforcement.

Former Officer A fully admitted the offence.

Chief Officer Mr Ian Arundale, the Force’s newly appointed Misconduct Panel Chair, chaired the accelerated hearing and determined that the former officer’s conduct amounted to gross misconduct, breaching the standard of professional behaviour relating to Discreditable Conduct, and that had he still been serving he would have been dismissed from the force, and that he should now be added to the College of Policing Barred List.

Deputy Chief Constable Ifan Charles, the Appropriate Authority for complaints and misconduct in Dyfed-Powys Police, stated: “Dyfed-Powys Police expects the highest standards of professional behaviour from its officers and staff, both on and off duty. The behaviour of Former Officer A was totally unacceptable, and the force will continue to relentlessly pursue any allegations of a sexual nature from both a criminal and misconduct perspective.

“I acknowledge this is the second accelerated hearing relating to misconduct by a Dyfed-Powys Police officer in just two days, and that this may cause concern. I want to provide assurance that it is simply the outcome of a zero-tolerance approach to behaviour that falls below our high standards.

“I welcome the use of an accelerated misconduct hearing in this case, as it demonstrates we will use all tools available to us to ensure the efficient and swift manner of dismissing officers who should no longer hold the office of constable.

“The outcome of this process is reflective of this hardline approach, and I hope reassures the public that as a force, we will do all we can to maintain the high standards rightly expected of police officers and staff, whether on or off duty, and whether still serving or not.”