Even though we’re still in the summer months, now is the ideal time to get your heating system checked by a suitably qualified engineer whether you use a gas boiler, electric heating, solid fuel, or any other system, says Age Cymru. 

The charity says that by checking your heating system now you can be sure that it will keep you safe and warm during the colder months.  An efficient heating system will also be more economical to run which will become increasingly important given the recent announcement by the UK Government that it’s going to restrict Winter Fuel Payments to those claiming Pension Credit and other similar benefits. 

Age Cymru is making the call as it launches Spread the Warmth, its national cold weather health and resilience campaign.

The charity says a warm home helps to keep people safe and well, especially those with heart and chest problems who shouldn’t be tempted to turn their heating down to save money. Instead, it urges people to seek advice on claiming all their benefits and entitlements, as more than £200 million worth of pension credit alone goes unclaimed in Wales each year.

Age Cymru is also urging people to contact their energy supplier well in advance of the colder months to make sure they are getting the best possible deal. 

The campaign advises older people to book early for their annual flu jab which becomes available after September 1.

It warns that the dark winter months can be lonely for some and so it advises people to seek information and advice about what activities are taking place in their local communities.

The campaign is also urging people to start thinking about using low cost but nutritious recipes for the colder months. 

To access a range of information on how to prepare for the colder months get in touch with Age Cymru. Call 0300 303 44 98 Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm, email [email protected], or visit www.agecymru.org.uk/spreadthewarmth