Bins in Presteigne are overflowing, as those who live in the area are concerned that they're not being emptied enough, with one councillor saying that it is 'embarrassing' to see the town so neglected.
Photos shared online show many bins in Presteigne stuffed full of rubbish, with some waste landing on the side of the road, including smashed bottles. Brian Jones, who shared the photos, says that the 'beautiful town is being spoilt' by the eyesores, and has dubbed Presteigne 'the land of the full bin'.

And it's not just Presteigne where the waste is building. Some people have complained that bins in the nearby towns of Knighton and Norton are also full.
Currently, Powys collects waste every three weeks. Some residents are worried that this means that people are leaving household waste in public bins because they don't have enough room in their own.
Councillor Beverley Baynham said: "Over the summer months we have experienced episodes where the town bins have not been emptied. This morning has reached a pinnacle where every bin in Presteigne town centre is overflowing. We have bins in the High Street with rubbish overflowing onto the pavements. What impression is that giving to visitors to the town and to Powys?
"I have been told by the Officer at Powys County Council that it is due to staff shortages, and they should be emptied today. I appreciate there can be difficulties with staffing, but it is very embarrassing to have our town looking so neglected."

Meanwhile, Powys County Council have said that it is because of staff shortages.
A spokesperson said: "Staff shortages and difficulties with recruitment, both common issues in many other councils as well as the private sector across the UK, have resulted in a shortfall in service delivery in some areas, including the frequency of emptying litter bins. The council has had some success recently with recruiting new members of staff, so hopefully these problems will now be considerably reduced.
"In the meantime, we have serviced Presteigne through getting some staff to put in overtime. We understand how frustrating it is when litterbins are full and whilst we get back up to speed, we would urge residents to help by taking their rubbish home with them if the public bins are already full."