THE Radnorshire Indoor Bowling Centre in Llandrindod Wells received a welcome publicity boost when ITV reporter Hannah Thomas’ feature was aired on the Wales Evening News programme last week.

Hannah, who didn’t actually appear on camera when her report was aired, initially interviewed disabled bowler Mick Thorn who demonstrated his bowling skills from a wheelchair and he made a strong case for indoor bowling as a sport for all categories of disabled bowlers. Mick is obviously a ‘natural’ when it comes to being on-camera. His best memory will be the view of his bowl travelling the entire length of the rink to rest just touching the camera lens that was placed on the playing surface!

The news film went on to show a small group of local primary school children bowling – a reference to the RIBA club’s school age college student and young employed sections. Unfortunately the kids’ enthusiastic vocal support for the sport didn’t get aired in the air-time available! They all enjoyed the experience of being filmed as well as a specially arranged hour away from school. The youngsters, and their teenage counterparts, normally bowl after school on Friday evenings, when new members are always welcome.

Hannah followed up with a relaxed chat on-air with Radnorshire Indoor Bowling Association (RIBA) chairman Ken Evans who explained about the Club’s charity status and how the support of the community and local businesses was already promising a strong support for the Charity initiative after Council financial aid had been withdrawn. Ken appealed for new members of all ages to come along to try the sport and get involved with the Club’s activities.

The ITV camera then roamed around the ‘Monday Morning Club’ members playing bowls in the Centre. So, Llandrindod now has a claim to a few new ‘film extras’ who can say they’ve been on television evening News!

With well over an hour’s recording to make a three-minute news item, the ITV headquarters editorial team left at least 90% of the film on the cutting room floor!

Hannah then moved on to interview Pauline Wilson as the Club’s Ladies Section captain. Pauline is another disabled bowler, who is an international level competitor and a Commonwealth Games squad member. Pauline made the case for disabled bowling, but also talked about for the sport for girls and women of all ages.The Llandrindod club, of course, has a proud tradition of women members competing at the highest level around the world.

Hannah filmed the ITV News item to recognise the valuable effort of the Llandrindod Wells club in bringing Indoor Bowling to all sections of the Mid Wales community – and to emphasise the contribution of the members and local businesses that are making this possible under the Club’s new community Charity umbrella.

The Bowling Centre is, of course, hoping that the ITV feature will result in new indoor bowlers joining the RIBA Club, particularly since it is now open on winter evenings for a comfortable playing atmosphere and a follow-up drink at the bar!