On Saturday, June 22 the Bracken Trust Singers gave a concert to an almost full house at Llanyre Church Hall, near Llandrindod Wells, writes Clive Barrett.

The proceeds from ticket sales, the raffle and donations were in aid of the upkeep of the Hall, and as a thank you to the managers for their unerring support of the Singers.

During the Singers’ regular Tuesday morning practice, a total of £540 was presented by Jan Goodwin and the Leader of the Singers, Christine Clarke, to Granville Gelder and Elwyn Evans. The latter, on behalf of the Church Hall Committee, thanked everyone who had contributed to a wonderful evening.

Llanyre Church Hall, with its beautiful timbered gable ceiling and rafters, has been lovingly restored in recent years. The Hall has wonderful acoustics for any music and song as witnessed by the Saturday audience, and their very favourable comments on a “slick and professional show.”

The Leader of the Singers Christine Clarke, expressed her sincere thanks to all who had made the concert such a resounding success.