Slimmers in Brecon and Abergavenny have raised £3,700 for Cancer Research UK by donating the clothes they slimmed out of to the charity’s shops.

The Big Slimming World Clothes Throw with Cancer Research UK is an annual event which takes place in Slimming World groups across the UK and sees members donating clothes, shoes, and accessories that no longer fit.

The Brecon and Abergavenny Slimming World groups, who meet weekly, collected 148 bags, worth around £3,700 for Cancer Research UK.

Slimming World Consultants Shelly Willetts and Jo Thomas, who run the local Slimming World groups, say how proud they are that their members came together to support the charity as well as celebrate how far they’ve come on their own weight loss journeys.

Shelly said: “Every week I’m inspired by my members and their dedication and determination to achieve their weight loss goals. They’re just as enthusiastic when it comes to getting involved in events such as The Big Slimming World Clothes Throw too.

“I was bowled over by how many bags they filled with clothes that they’ve slimmed out of to raise money for such an important charity. What I really love is that they’re so confident they will never need these clothes again because they’ve made changes they can keep up for life!”

As well as raising funds for Cancer Research UK, the aim of the event is also to raise awareness of how maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of developing some types of cancer. Overweight and obesity is the second biggest preventable cause of cancer in the UK and more than one in 20 cancer cases are caused by excess weight.

Jo said: “Being overweight doesn’t necessarily mean that a person will develop cancer, but we know that losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent a number of health conditions, including some types of cancer. The work that Cancer Research UK does to help those affected by cancer is vital.

“I’m so proud of my members for their passion towards this fundraising event as I know that their contributions will help the charity continue its life-saving research.”

Over the years, Slimming World has raised more than £20 million for Cancer Research UK through a variety of campaigns including The Big Slimming World Clothes Throw and supporting the charity’s Race for Life event series.

Last year, Slimming World members, Consultants and head office staff raised £1,491,191.49 for Cancer Research UK through The Big Slimming World Clothes Throw and are aiming to make this year even bigger and better.

For more information on how to find your local group visit or call 0344 897 8000.