QUESTIONS have been raised over a written statement given on the future of a Brecon day care centre that has been at the centre of a political row.
A Powys council cabinet member has now been forced to reveal that several other options for the Arosfa Day Centre were being considered by the authority.
Conservative County Councillor for Yscir, near Brecon, Iain McIntosh, had asked cabinet member for adult services Cllr Stephen Hayes, for assurances that the Arosfa Day Cantre would stay open.
He will ask his question at Thursday’s Full Council meeting – and will be given an answer which has already been published in the agenda pack.
The reply from Cllr Hayes was: “I can confirm that while much work has been ongoing with the day services for older people following the cabinet decision on the service in December 2016, there were no plans to close the Arosfa Day Centre before December 13 (2018).”
But Labour group leader and County Councillor for St John ward in Brecon, Mathew Dorrance disputes this.
During a Brecon Town Council by-election campaign in December Labour candidates distributed leaflets saying they would campaign to support the Arosfa centre and oppose any closure, a decision that could only be taken by the county council which provides the service and owns the building.
Cllr Dorrance has said he attended a meeting last summer where several options were under consideration, including closure of the building, while the service would continue elsewhere.
Cllr Dorrance has shown the Local Democracy Service a letter from Dylan Owen, head of transformation for adult services, which shows that changes were being considered.
Mr Owen, explains in his letter that three options were being considered for Arosfa and if Powys council closed the building, it would be returned to property services.
The options were potentially
Relocation to the cultural hub / library in Brecon.
Reducing the service from five days to three days per week because of falling numbers.
Sharing the service with Crickhowell.
Cllr Dorrance: “I am not sure why the cabinet member’s response fails to mention that but I have given him the opportunity to correct the record.
“He has indicated a ‘verbal’ correction will be made but I obviously want the printed record to be accurate and reflect this.”
Cllr Hayes, said: “I can confirm that a number of potential options for Brecon, including relocation but not closure, were circulated to local members following a meeting in July.
“However, none of the options in respect of relocation has been implemented.
“Discussions about the future of the service in Brecon are still taking place and no final decision has been taken. In view of the concerns which have been raised, I will be providing clarification of the position for the benefit of all members during the course of Thursday’s council meeting.”