A Brecon fundraiser held last week has raised hundreds of pounds for Medical Aid for Palestinians.

Friday, May 17 saw the fundraiser take place at The Muse - which raised £600 in total. The speaker, Neil Stone, talked about his experience as a human rights monitor for EAPPI.  

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel is a non political organisation coordinated by British Quakers, on behalf of 16 churches and NGOs. Neil, a resident of Brecon, recounted his experience in the Occupied West Bank of Palestine from June to September 2023. It was his first time as an Ecumenical Accompanier reporting to the UN and the World Council of Churches. He presented a slideshow detailing the hardship, harassment and threat to life and livelihood that Palestinians endure on a daily basis . During the evening, organised jointly by The Muse and Brecon supporters of The Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, activists sold plants, Palestinian snacks, drinks, jam and cakes to raise funds.

The Muse donated the venue and two local musicians gave up their time for free.

Poems were read by members of a local poetry group. A narration of the poem "If I Must Die" by Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer, who died in an Israeli airstrike on Gaza in December, was a moving end to the evening. The poem concludes with the words: “If I must die, let it bring hope, let it be a tale.”

The group continue with fortnightly vigils outside St Marys Church - the next date is June 1.