Brecon High School and the Found Gallery are joining forces to present a unique art exhibition next month.

The ‘Imagine’ exhibition, running from April 15 to April 26, celebrates UNESCO World Art Day on April 15.

The project was designed and coordinated by local art enthusiasts Vivienne Williams and Geoff Lloyd, who approached both Brecon High School and Nicola Maughan of The Found Gallery.

The aim is to showcase the school’s outstanding artwork as part of UNESCO’s global celebration.

The focus of the exhibition is to highlight the links between art, educational and cultural diversity to achieve a drive by UNESCO to a freer, more peaceful world.

Students have been encouraged to create imaginative artwork that reflects this aim. This has been made possible with the support of the school's enthusiastic art department, led by teacher Karen Thomas, alongside Catherine Huggins, Sarah Melhuish, and Jo Dover, who have been incredibly supportive.

Geoff Lloyd said: "Everyone at the school has been incredibly positive, including headteacher Rob Edwards and deputy head Lisa Buttle - and especially the students, who have made this project a reality.

"The students are excited by the opportunity to show their creative work in a notable art gallery in the centre of Brecon.

"They all hope the exhibition will be a huge success. So, please visit the gallery."

Found Gallery can be found at 1 Bulwark, Brecon, LD3 7LB.

More information about the gallery can be found at:

UNESCO World Art Day celebrations help reinforce the links between artistic creations and society, encourage greater awareness of the diversity of artistic expressions and highlight the contribution of artists to sustainable development. The day is also an occasion to shine a light on arts education in schools, as culture can pave the way for inclusive and equitable education.