The annual Bike Bash in Builth took place recently, with the aim to ride the distance of the perimeter of Wales, 1050 miles.

They achieved this and a bit more by collectively cycling 1091 miles.

The event started with a short half-mile lap for the younger cyclists for the first hour, and then the lap was lengthened to a mile for the more confident cyclists.

Steve Evans again did a fantastic job of counting the laps as the cyclists passed under the start/finish banner.

129 cyclists took part this year, a few less than in previous years, but some were possibly put off by the weather forecast of showers! For the first time since the event began in 2011 it actually rained on the event, thankfuly only a couple of showers, which didn’t seem to deter the cyclists at all.

The organisers would like to thank everyone who made this event possible, the volunteers who come along and marshal the course, the people who donated raffle prizes, but mostly everyone who came and took part and made the day a worthwhile venture.

Chair of Builth Bike Bash, Bonna Williams said “Every year it is amazing to see so many keen and determined cyclists taking part, from the youngsters who are cycling unaided for the first time, to the older kids who want to beat last year’s total.

“We just love to see the enthusiasm for cycling from the people of Builth”

Builth Bike Bash is a charity set up to encourage and enable more people to enjoy riding their bike. If you would like to get involved please see their website for information on how to contact them - the committee always welcome new members.