Villagers in New Radnor are celebrating the purchase of the Radnor Arms, following a successful fundraising campaign and years of hard work.

After banding together, villagers and outside supporters have helped to save the last remaining pub in the small village of New Radnor, which at one time had multiple thriving pubs.

The pub first closed its doors in 2016, after its landlord, Nigel, retired from the pub trade. Since 2016, the pub has remained empty and in a decaying state.

The pub was then purchased in 2022 by an interim owner, which gave the community valuable time to come together and fundraise to purchase the pub.

After setting up the Radnor Arms Community Benefit Society, the committee got to work on holding fundraisers such as exhibitions, concerts, quizzes, and a community shop. 

The Community Benefit Society applied to the Community Ownership Fund, which is run by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Fund. Their application was endorsed by the then MP for Brecon and Radnorshire, Fay Jones, who formally signed off the bid and lobbied Ministers across Whitehall to support their application. 

Once their application was approved by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Fund, a dedicated volunteer marketing team was established who led a successful marketing campaign to save the pub. A new dedicated website was designed, as well as the creation of posters, flyers, social media accounts and video content.

The commitment never dimmed from those who believed the pub could be saved. Following an open share offer, the community managed to raise the necessary funding required to purchase the Radnor Arms from the interim owner.

In total, the Radnor Arms Community Benefit Society campaign raised £200,000 through an open share offer, which was matched by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Fund by £200,000 raising to £400,000.

They were also given a £40,000 revenue fund from the same department, bringing the overall monies raised to an impressive £440,000.

Radnor Arms  (The Radnor Arms Action Group)

The funding raised has been used to purchase the pub from the interim owner, and the remaining monies will be used to commence phase two of the project.

Phase two of the project will see the start of renovating the pub, with an aim to get two bars and working toilets open first.

Martin Lewis, Chair of the Radnor Arms Community Benefit Society, said: "We are really pleased to announce that after an incredible response to our share offer, the Radnor Arms is now owned by the Community Benefit Society and work can now begin on renovations.

“The Committee are indebted to the philanthropic foresight of the interim owner to step in and hold the pub in trust, enabling New Radnor to set up the Community Benefit Society, and to raise the funds needed to match fund a generous grant from the government’s Community Ownership Fund.

“We look forward to opening the bars as soon as possible, and working with CBS members and the wider community to redevelop the Radnor Arms as a vital community asset.”

New Radnor resident, Hermione Evans, said: “It will be wonderful to have life and conviviality restored to the centre of our village community. A welcome for all.”

The current committee will now be dissolved, and a new committee will be elected soon. 

The first Annual Members Meeting is being held on Saturday, August 10 between 4:30pm and 10:00pm, in the Radnor Arms car park. Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy the festivities. 

For more details about the Radnor Arms and its community ownership, visit here: