A CONSULTATION is expected to take place on a proposal to make a street in Brecon one way for traffic to stop it being used as a short cut by motorists.
It is expected that the Powys County Council portfolio holder for highways, Liberal Democrat, Cllr Jackie Charlton will approve starting the legal procedure to implement the Traffic Regulation Order to make Free Street in Brecon one way in a southerly direction.
The first stage of the process would be to hold a month long consultation on the proposal.
Free Street is currently a two-way road with double yellow lines on both sides.
The street is home to established businesses, Roy Hatton Car Sales and the Markets Tavern Hotel.
It is described in the report as a “narrow residential street.”

Traffic systems manager Tony Paine explained that there is no residential parking allowed on the street and it is used as a short cut by motorists.
Mr Paine said: “The level of use of the street causes concern with pedestrians on the narrow footways.
“The two-way traffic which includes large vehicles such as full-sized buses operating from the bus station, do cause issues with a section of channel drain towards the southern end as the road is narrow, and these vehicles have to overrun that channel.”
“This overrunning of the channel drain causes regular damage loosening the covers causing a noise nuisance to the residents and requiring regular maintenance.”
He added that the traffic lights at the northern end of Free Street are “obsolete” and are due to be replaced while there is a new channel drain.
Mr Paine said: “There is concern from the residents that the channel drain will continue to be damaged by vehicles driving over it and will mean the channel drain will require continual ongoing maintenance.
“The damage causes a noise nuisance for those living along the street.
“As we are seeking to renew the traffic signals, it provides an opportune time to consider making changes to Free Street to protect the channel drain from regular damage.”
The report explained that making Free Street one way would lower the number of vehicles entering the street and allow a “safety zone” to be created for pedestrians while also providing protection to the channel drain.
The report added that “informal consultation” had been done in the past by county councillors for the area in February 2022 and that “broad support” had been received for making the street one way.
The current councillors for the area are Labour’s Cllr Liz Rijnenberg and Cllr Chris Walsh who both “understand” residents concerns about heavy traffic and support the proposal being consulted upon.
Mr Paine added that the cost of new line markings on the road as well as advertising the TRO would total £2000 which would come from the council’s Traffic Management and Small Safety Schemes budget.
He recommends that Cllr Charlton approves a decision to start the process and consult on the proposal.
It is expected that the decision will be made on Wednesday, April 3 and five days will be allowed to pass just in case the decision is “called-in” by councillors for scrutiny, before it comes into force.
The proposal for Free Street shows that vehicles would only be able to enter the street from the traffic lighted crossroad in the direction of Watton Gate towards the Bulwark, which has its very own one way system.
Residents who live on Little Free Street (U0790), which merges off of Free Street, would have to enter the road from the direction of the crossroad.