A Crickhowell-based garden design enterprise is blooming nicely thanks to the support of a social enterprise which offers business support.

Keridwen Garden Design was founded by Kathleen Robinson, who has capitalised on more than two decades working in sustainable horticulture.

Having left the office for the outdoors, she called on the support of Antur Cymru to write a business plan and received a Powys Growth Grant which helped her to buy equipment including a polytunnel, laptop and design software.

“I had spent so long telling people about the benefits of being outside in the garden and nature and the positive impact on health and wellbeing that I took the leap and decided to do it myself!” said Kathleen.

“With my knowledge of plants and wildlife I offer a unique service and despite only opening earlier this year I already have a waiting list, it’s been amazing.”

She added: “What I do is very much a partnership with the client, we are on a journey together, whether it’s general advice or maintenance and design.

“Helping to build their confidence is another aspect to this, and my confidence as I had no prior experience of running a business.

“The support of Antur Cymru was invaluable, they were helpful in guiding me to write a business plan and look at financial forecasts, which was all new to me.”