Handing over the trusteeship of Presteigne Memorial Hall from Powys County Council to a new committee could be completed by the early autumn, a legal expert has said.

At a meeting of Powys County Council’s Cabinet on Tuesday, July 30 senior councillors received a report that recommended approving the trusteeship transfer as well as employing the services of a legal specialist in Charity Commission Law to “guide and support” the process.

Cabinet member for property, Liberal Democrat Cllr Jake Berriman said: “The building has a long history, but importantly the trusteeship was transferred to Powys County Council in 1983 and for many years the hall ran successfully.”

He explained that in 2023 responsibility for the building was moved to the council’s corporate property department.

Cllr Berriman said: “The team reviewed the premises and gave it an inspection and following that unfortunately the premises was closed.”

The council then worked with the former hall committee in a bid to make it safe enough to re-open.

Work that has taken place includes installing a new fire alarm and emergency lights throughout the building, which has been funded by the council.

The report explained that during this period talks took place on whether or not to transfer the trusteeship to a new hall committee.

The committee would be expected to take full financial control, responsibility, and liability for its management.

This led to a public meeting being held last January at the Youth Centre in Presteigne to gauge support for the proposal in the town.

Cllr Berriman said: “It was clear then that members of the old committee and others from the community were quite willing to come forward to form a new hall committee that would take on the trusteeship.

“I’m really pleased that we are now at a point where we are content to transfer the trusteeship over to a new committee.

“I hope it has a successful future.”

Cllr Beverley Baynham is the Powys County Councillor for Presteigne.

Joint leader of the Powys Independents, Cllr Baynham said: “Presteigne and District War Memorial Hall has a rich history and is loved and appreciated by the residents and the wider community it covers.”

She explained that the hall was built by volunteers just after the Second World War and had seen many “parties, celebrations and functions.”

Cllr Baynham said: “It is the only large community facility in Presteigne that has capacity to hold weddings and large events, it has a stage, kitchen and function rooms.

“Over the years it was run by a dedicated voluntary committee, without them it would have closed many years ago.”

She thanked the new acting committee members who had “put their hands up” and were willing to take the trusteeship on.

Cllr Baynham said: “I wholeheartedly support the recommendation to enable the hall to be opened as soon as possible once all the legalities are in order.”

She asked when the committee would take over responsibility for the hall.

Council leader, Liberal Democrat Cllr James Gibson-Watt asked the council’s head of legal and monitoring officer, Clive Pinney to answer the question.

Mr Pinney said: “I would hope this would be completed by early autumn.”

Cabinet agreed the report.