CLYRO School recently held their own Inter-Faith Day for the children at the school, after their previous two Multi-Faith days.
The school is the only one in Powys to host an Inter-Faith Day.
In regards to the curriculum for Wales and the Diocese theme for the spring term, they focussed on creativity within faiths and religions.
There were four workshops throughout the day; Christianity, led by Leslie Sheills, concert flautist, Hinduism led by Ms. Bharti Tailor, Islam led by Raz Ul-Haq and Judaism led by Mrs. Jane. Silver Coren.
In the Christianity workshop the children did prayer, music and sound meditation on the beginning of John’s Gospel.
The pupils joined in with drums, chanting and dancing.

The Islamic workshop with Mr Raz Ul-Haq explored the five pillars of Islam and Arabic calligraphy. Pupils used hand cut bamboo pens and hand mixed inks to try calligraphy.
Ms Bharti Tailor helped children understand Hinduism. They experienced a Mandir and had a go at traditional rangoli sand patterns.

Mrs Jane Silver-Corren taught pupils about Jewish customs, traditions and main festivals. They also took part in dance, songs and role play.
Head Teacher at Clyro Primary School, Sarah Groves said: “It has been an amazing day with such enriching experiences for all of us. The children have benefitted so much from the day, having learnt about other faiths and religions from experts in their fields. It is so important, especially in this day and age, to work together in peace and harmony in today’s world, which we all need so much.”

James Evans MS attended the Inter-faith day at Clyro School, and said: “I was delighted to attend the Inter-faith day at Clyro School, and it was certainly an interesting experience for the children to experience different faiths and worldviews.
“It’s important that people can develop their own worldviews, and a big part of that is being aware of these different ways of thinking.
“I’d like to say a big well done to the teaching staff and contributors for a successful day!”