THE Rhayader Pre School Playgroup has a new home. They have recently moved to be part of the Rhayader Church in Wales Primary School. They now operate from the Primary School instead of Dolgerddew and provide a high quality early years care and education for young people aged two to five years mainly through the medium of English with the use of some Welsh in a friendly, caring safe environment.

The group has a new leader, Jade Howells, and they have also recruited a deputy leader Kelly Jones. In addition Wendy Crumpton is employed as their play assistant.

The 3 and 4 year olds are housed within the Rhayader Primary School where the group run two-hour sessions every weekday morning from 8.45am and again in the afternoons from 12.15 to 3.15p.m. and they offer foundation phase learning with the 12 and a half hours funded by Powys Local Authority.

They have also set up a new venue for the two-year-old children at the old school in Cwmdauddwr, which is run every Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9.15 to 11.15am and again on Friday afternoons from 1pm to 3pm. The leaders here are Leila Tribe assisted by Katie Rowlands.

The committee who have worked incredibly hard to ensure that the Rhayader Under 5s were able to open its doors in the recent move, were also responsible for the move to their new premises in the primary school and include chairman Kelly Walters, secretary Kate Samuel and treasurer Emily Thomas.

Now a new committee has been elected to go forward for 2018 and include Chairman Gemma Davies, Vice Chairman Kelly Walters, Secretary Kate Samuel, Treasurer Fiona Abberley, Vice Treasurer Emily Thomas and the following as committee members Gemma Howells, Lucy Sivell, Casey Page, Kate Corson, Katie Pugh and Jemma Davies.

The group have some spaces left for both settings and for further information contact [email protected].