The children and staff of Sennybridge Community Primary School were excited to work with a Welsh artist in residence last week.

In line with the new curriculum for Wales, the children have been focusing on what makes their school and how it is linked to its local ‘cynefin’.

As such, the school identified what it is lucky to have direct links to. Examples included the red kites that circle the school, its agricultural background, its location next to the old yew tree (the oldest tree rumoured to exist in Europe), the River Senni itself, its close links with Welsh language and cultural development and of course the school dog himself, Bailey.

All of these ideas were put together, and with the help of Rhys Jones, also known as OrielOdl, the children created an impressive mural to display at the school.

A second mural was also made, reflecting the school’s topic of ‘Tales from Wales’ and its learning of the Mabinogion and other Welsh legends such as those of Brychan Brycheiniog and his famous daughter, Santes Dwynwen.

Through a collaborative approach, children were able to work with the talented OrielOdl to create these two fantastic murals which reflect the school’s heritage.

Headteacher Mr Bennett said: “This project placed an emphasis on learners and staff being able to reflect on their culture and cynefin through collaborating and working on an innovative and ambitious project.

“In line with the new curriculum for Wales, this really did reflect how our learners are being challenged to become ambitious and capable, ethically informed citizens of Wales and the world, healthy and confident and enterprising and creative individuals, whilst having fun!”

These murals will be showcased within the school as a constant reminder of its history and its legacy. OrielOdl completes various projects across Wales.

The school would like to acknowledge the talent and expertise that Mr Jones shared with the school.