A family swim team aged from 3 to 77 has raised nearly £900 for charity in a sponsored Swimathon.

The Bramley-Berries Swimathon team, spanning three generations, raised the funds by completing their 1.5km sponsored swim on Saturday in Brecon Pool.

The aim of the annual event is to raise money for end of life care charity Marie Curie and cancer charity Cancer Research.

This is the eighth year the Bramley-Berries team have taken part.

Although they missed the official date this year due to Covid, they were allowed to do the swim later in their own time.

The family had enormous fun during an open swim session at the pool, all while raising money for this cause.

The just-three-year-old was very determined to copy her older sister, wearing her ring and armbands. “Me do it!!” she insisted, refusing help, and managed at least four lengths, in stages.

Because the younger members were so enthusiastic, the older two could take their time or just swim alongside.

The family said it was a challenge to get the little ones out of the pool at the end, and only the offer of Brecon’s famous ice cream persuaded them all to stop - and the distribution of medals!

Revd. Liz Bramley, team captain said: “This was great teamwork and I would like to thank all our generous sponsors, friends and church members alike.

“The amount raised so far is an incredible £890. We are very happy we have been able to swim again this year despite having had Covid!”