A group of local farmers have formed a unique friendship through their prostate cancer journeys.

All six were diagnosed with prostate cancer and have followed a similar pathway within the last year, offering one another support with lots of laughs and reassurance through the tough journey of diagnosis, treatment and recovery.

They are always willing to offer the same friendly support to anyone else who has similar concerns.

Prior to their diagnosis, three members of the group didn’t experience any symptoms and their cancer was only detected after requesting a PSA blood test whilst visiting their GP for other reasons. 

The group recently joined with Prostate Cymru at Brecon Livestock Market to share their stories with other farmers in the hope of raising awareness of this disease. 

Bryan Jones said: “Farmers can be quite shy and private when it comes to talking about these matters but our objective was simply to talk about this disease that affects one in eight men. The response was absolutely fantastic.

“Early diagnosis is so important to making a full recovery and we were encouraging men to ask their GP for a simple PSA blood test which can show up abnormalities in the prostate at an early stage. 

“As a group we have all supported each other and that has certainly made the journey an easier one. We have all become very good friends”.

Owen Pugsley from Prostate Cymru felt that having the group of farmers in the cattle market talking to their colleagues helped to strengthen the awareness message and to request a PSA blood test from their GP. 

Prostate Cymru is the leading prostate health charity in Wales supporting men with benign prostate disease and prostate cancer.

The charity has no national or government funding and relies on the kindness and generosity of its fundraisers and volunteers to fulfil its core aims.