An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) has come into place across the whole of Wales.
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs Huw Irranca-Davies MS announced the introduction of the AIPZ from midnight on Thursday, January 30.
The zone means that strict biosecurity measures have been introduced for all bird keepers, with the aim of helping to prevent the spread of avian influenza.
Avian influenza has not been detected in poultry or kept birds in Wales this season. But the move to introduce an AIPZ recognises the heightened risk of transmission from wild to kept birds.
The move follows similar measures implemented in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The zone will remain in place until a reduction in risk levels indicates it is no longer required.
The AIPZ will require all keepers of poultry and other captive birds, irrespective of the size of the flock or how the birds are kept, to take appropriate and practicable steps now, including:
• Ensuring the areas where birds are kept are unattractive to wild birds, for example, by netting ponds and surrounding areas and by removing wild bird food sources
• Feeding and watering flocks in enclosed areas to discourage wild birds
• Minimising movement of people in and out of bird enclosures
• Cleaning and disinfecting footwear, using foot dips before entering poultry enclosures, and keeping areas where birds live clean and tidy
• Reducing any existing contamination by cleansing and disinfecting concrete areas and fencing off wet or boggy areas
• Keeping domestic ducks and geese separate from other poultry
• Wild game birds “caught up” during the open season must not be moved for a minimum of 21 days, subject to conditions within the declaration
• Ensuring records are kept in line with the conditions within the declaration
• Completing the mandatory biosecurity self-assessment checklist within 7 days
Keepers with more than 500 birds will also be required to take extra biosecurity measures, including restricting access to non-essential people, changing clothing and footwear before entering bird enclosures, and cleaning and disinfecting vehicles.
The Deputy First Minister said: “There have been no cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) confirmed in poultry or other kept birds in Wales so far this outbreak season. However, the number of cases in poultry flocks continues to increase across Great Britain and there is a heightened risk of transmission from wild to kept birds.”
Richard Williams, NFU Cymru Poultry Chairman, said: “Unfortunately the UK poultry industry is all too familiar with the devastating impact that avian influenza can have on our flocks and our businesses in recent years. Given the worsening disease picture in other parts of the UK this season, it is absolutely imperative that poultry keepers do all they can to protect our birds from this disease.”
Elin Jenkins, Farmers’ Union of Wales Policy Officer, added: “Avian influenza can put significant financial and emotional strain on our farmers, and it is crucial poultry keepers practise good biosecurity and vigilance to protect their flocks from this disease.”