MP for Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe David Chadwick has called for the UK and Welsh Labour governments to bring forward a Fair Deal for farmers and for clarity on the agricultural budgets after attending the Royal Welsh Show.

After meeting with representatives from the NFU and FUW amidst the thousands of farmers attending the show from across Wales, Mr Chadwick is echoing their demand for clarity on the future of agricultural budgets.

The Welsh Liberal Democrat election manifesto called for £50m extra for the agricultural budget, including access to fair funding for all farmers in Wales, as well as investment in training, advice and transition grants for those in need as any new funding scheme is adopted.

It also called for certainty over the future of agricultural payments by setting out payments over 10 year periods and outlining new investment plans at least five years in advance, to make clear how much money will be paid to farmers and land managers for public goods.

David Chadwick MP said: “From the conversations I've been having during this phenomenal display of the strength of Welsh farming, it's clear that the most important thing the Government can do is bring clarity to agricultural payment plans for farmers in the long term - we're talking clarity over the next 10 years here.

“Brexit and the loss of the EU agricultural payments has led to increased uncertainty for the food producers who are vital to keeping Wales, as well as the rest of the UK, fed and our businesses growing. Without certainty over how they will be paid in the future, everything is much harder to plan and livelihoods are at risk.

“Money is just one part of the Fair Deal for Farmers the Welsh Liberal Democrats are calling for here at the Royal Welsh Show. Our farmers can't operate in a fundamentally unfair market where they're being undercut by low standards, or not being fairly paid for their produce. That's why we're calling for the UK Government to renegotiate the unfit for purpose Tory trade deals with New Zealand and Australia that create an unfair race to the bottom in food standards, and for a strengthening of the Groceries Adjudicator code to ensure producers are treated fairly.

“Increased funding, more clarity, fair prices and maintaining higher standards are just part of the Fair Deal for farmers Liberal Democrats will fight for across Wales. Today I’m back in Parliament to hold the UK Government to account on behalf of Welsh farmers.”

In response, a Welsh Government spokesperson said: “We will continue to work at pace to finalise the Sustainable Farming Scheme – providing certainty and stability about future support is a priority.  The basis of discussions with the ministerial roundtable is within the envelope of funding that we currently have.

“We're working through the details of the scheme and continuing our discussions with the UK Government who have been very clear on the budget situation they’ve inherited.”  

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) told the B&R they will delivery a “resilient and healthy” food system, with a new deal that ensures fairness for farmers. They said they want all farmers to get a fair price for their products and are committed to tackle contractual unfairness where it exists. They added they will continue to work closely with all farming sectors on the best way to achieve this.

On trade deals, DEFRA said “economic growth is at the heart of everything this government wants to do”. They said that renegotiating or walking away from these deals could hurt the businesses using them, as well as our international reputation. 

They said they are committed to developing a coherent trade strategy that ensures our food and drinks sector is competitive on the world stage.