A superb trade was enjoyed at Knighton Market last week at the first multi breed ewe, ewe lamb, ram and ewe ram sale.

The McCartneys sale took place on Tuesday, September 10, with auctioneers Katie Davies and Glyn Owens.

There was an excellent overall average of £227.32 per head for yearling ewes, and topping at a tremendous £285 per head for a pen of Coloured Face Welsh Mule ewes from AT Bennett & Son.

Close behind was £282 per head for the Champion pen of White Face Welsh Mule ewes from TA Swancott & Son. Next to £267 per head for the Reserve Champion pen of Coloured Face Welsh Mule ewes from DR Davies.

White Face Welsh Mule ewes also to £265 per head from G & M Davies; £262 per head from RH Jones and £260 per head from RJ Lewis and AT Bennett & Son.

Cross bred ewes sold to £264 per head for Texel x ewes from AT Bennett & Son.

Cheviot x ewes to £245 per head from FW Jones & Sons.

Welsh ewes to £220 per head for Cheviot ewes from JP Wozencraft.

With a ring full of buyers there was strong demand throughout the sale for all sheep. Best ewes were £240 plus throughout, with medium ewes £220-240 and smaller ewes £170-£215.  Texel ram lambs averaged £183.75 per head, selling to £210 from WRM Morris.

The prize classes were kindly judged by Mr Robert and Mr Owen Morris

Results were as follows:

Champion: TA Swancott with White Face Welsh Mule ewes

Reserve Champion: DR Davies with Coloured Face Welsh Mule ewes

Class 1: Best pen of 20 of more Welsh Mules (out of Beulah/Speckled ewe)

1st: DR Davies (£267)

2nd: DR Davies (£225)

3rd: AT Bennett & Son (£285)

Class 2: Best pen of 20 or more Welsh Mules (out of a Welsh ewe)

1st: TA Swancott & Son (£282)

2nd: RJ Lewis (£260)

3rd: RH Jones (£250)

Class 3: Best pen of 20 or more Cross Bred ewes

1st: AT Bennett & Son (£264)

2nd: AT Bennett & Son(£250)

3rd: AE Bason (£245)