Fay Jones is urging the Liberal Democrats to “come clean” on their position on controversial plans for wind farms and pylons across Radnorshire. 

The Conservative candidate for Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe has pointed to information contained in the Liberal Democrat manifesto, released last week.

In the Climate Change and Energy section, the party proposes they would: "Accelerate the deployment of renewable power and deliver energy security by: Removing the Conservatives’ unnecessary restrictions on new solar and wind power, and supporting investment and innovation in tidal and wave power in particular.”

Ms Jones has suggested this means the Lib Dems would give a “green light” towards the energy schemes put forward by Bute Energy.

Ms Jones has been a vocal critic of Bute Energy’s plans for a number of years. She has campaigned against plans to build 36 wind turbines in the Radnor Forest - part of a project known as Nant Mithil - as well as a 60-mile network of electricity pylons through the Radnorshire and Brecknockshire countryside.  

With renewable energy a key part of the UK Government’s commitment to Net Zero by 2050 – a legally binding target introduced by the Conservatives, the UK Government has favoured investment in nuclear energy through Sizewell C and Wylfa.

But the Welsh Government’s Future Wales energy strategy document focuses on onshore wind - which Ms Jones says makes rural Mid Wales a prime target for foreign energy companies.  

In 2023, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak introduced planning reforms which would make sure that local people gave consent to wind farm projects. With the Liberal Democrats calling for “unnecessary restrictions” to be lifted, Ms Jones has challenged Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Ed Davey, to make clear his views on the policy. 

Ms Jones said: “It’s time for the Liberal Democrat candidate to come clean on his views.  He has never been honest with the electorate about where he stands on Bute Energy’s plans for industrial scale wind farms across rural Radnorshire. At least the Labour candidate is clear that he supports Bute Energy’s plans. But, as usual, no one knows where the Liberal Democrats stand. 

“With just over two weeks to go until the General Election, voters need to know whether he will stand with the community and oppose these plans or follow his party line and carpet the Mid Wales countryside with mammoth wind turbines and electricity pylons.”

In response, the Liberal Democrats suggested the Conservative candidate’s comments show that their campaign is becoming “more and more desperate” amidst tight polling figures.

Lib Dem candidate for Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe, David Chadwick said: “We have already clarified our position on wind farm proposals several times, but for the sake of humouring the Conservatives again – the Liberal Democrats led cross-party calls on Powys County Council for any pylons in Powys to be buried underground - where the Conservative councillors were the only party to not bother to vote.”

Conservatives councillors were opposed to the motion back in March as they were “against the idea of destroying our countryside and communities by building wind turbines on land” and instead pointed towards offshore turbines.

The B&R did ask the Lib Dems what “unnecessary restrictions” on new solar and wind power they refer to in their manifesto which they would look to remove, but this question was not answered.

My Chadwick said: “Last week, our Lib Dem Senedd Member Jane Dodds voted for any pylons to be buried underground. 

“And this week I expressed my disappointment Labour chose to back big energy companies and was the only party that voted against proposals for the undergrounding of pylons. The only person with the power to veto decisions on wind farm applications is the Welsh Labour Environment Minister. 

“Finally, proposals outlined by the Conservative candidate from their party wouldn’t apply to Wales, due to planning being devolved and as mentioned above the Welsh Labour Minister is the only person with the power to change these. The Conservative candidate also chose not to speak on the Energy Bill when it was being pushed through Parliament.”

Mr Chadwick added: “If I am lucky enough to prove the polls right and be elected as Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe’s next Member of Parliament I promise to be a voice for all our constituents and do my best to protect our stunning natural scenery which is not only loved by locals, but also hugely benefits our economy through tourism.”