Almost 200 residents have enjoyed a free fun day at Builth Wells.
The event, organised by the Friends of Builth Wells Library, was held on the afternoon of July 27 and saw between 150 and 200 local residents come down to the Groe to enjoy the fesitivites.

There was music, ice-cream, storytime sessions for children and a craft tent, among a vast array of other entertainment which showed off what library has to offer.
The Friends took the opportunity to organise the event following the busy show week. The idea was born to keep the post-show buzz going but to organise something specifically for residents.
The treasurer of the Friends group, David Sutherland said:
“The fun day was definitely a success and something we are keen to repeat as an annual event. We had seven new members join the library and six young people sign up for this year’s Summer reading challenge - an excellent initiative which aims to keep children aged 4 – 11 reading all through the summer break.
“We were delighted with the turn out and in particular would like to thank the Rotary Club for the loan of their gazebo and all their support on the day, plus the Cardboard Box Thieves for providing the music, Wye Valley falconry and the very popular local police who were on hand with their police van to chat to children and take their fingerprints. And, of course, Paul Watkins who brought his ice-cream van.”
Mr Sutherland added: “We hope those attending the event remember to drop by and use the library more. It’s a fabulous and free resource offering a range of activities.
“Our Friends motto is: ‘Our library is more than just books’, and alongside scope to use a computer, borrow an iPad or search their family history, the library is looking at restarting lots of activities that had to halt during the pandemic like adult colouring, Storytime sessions, Lego Club and more.”

The Friends group was established in August 2019 and three years on has around eight active members who work hard to promote all that the library has to offer and to lever in extra funds and grants to help sustain the library’s future.
The group are always looking for new volunteers and have their own Facebook page @builthlibraryfriends or can be contacted via email [email protected] or on 01591 620322.