Family and friends joined Glenys Davies of Upper Chapel over the weekend to celebrate her 100th birthday.

Glenys was born on June 18, 1924.

Glenys is still known locally as Glenys “Penbont” after the name of the farm in Upper Chapel where she and her 10 brothers and sisters were born and raised by their parents Tom and Mary Williams - and which remains in the wider family.

Glenys has been married to her husband Ernie, aged 96, for nearly 70 years and they may lay claim to being the oldest couple in the county!

They met during the Second World War when Glenys was in the Land Army and was working on the farm opposite his home in Llandewicwm. 

They now live happily together in Upper Chapel opposite the farm where she was born 100 years ago. 100 years also separate Glenys from the youngest addition to the Williams clan.

She has wonderful memories of her time as a cook at Trenewydd Care Home where she was affectionately known as “Cookie” and where old colleagues still remember her fondly.

For many years she was secretary of the Upper Chapel Eisteddfod and although blind her love of music and playing the piano remains strong.

Whilst she received a lovely congratulatory card from the King and Queen amongst many cards, flowers and gifts, pride of place goes to a congratulatory message from her favourite Welsh tenor the world famous Stuart Burrows, whose lovely voice she still listens to.

Glenys puts her long life down to happiness and love of friends and family many of whom came to wish her happy birthday in Upper Chapel and at Ebeneezer Chapel, where she has been a member for all her life and still attends services there, on Sunday, June 16 when a special service was held to celebrate her life.

Attendees also enjoyed a fabulous cake made specially for the occasion by her Glenys’ niece Delyth Hughes. She was especially pleased that the service was led by her cousin’s daughter Lynda Probert whilst another cousin’s daughter Helen accompanied the singing which finished with “Cwm Rhondda” and a rousing Happy Birthday. 

Glenys and her family would like to thank everyone who contributed to making it such a special birthday.

A celebratory gathering was held at Ebeneezer Chapel
A celebratory gathering was held at Ebeneezer Chapel (Photo supplied)