A resident of Pentrefelin has shared her fears for the future of their nearest surgery in Sennybridge after being told she must now collect her medication from Brecon.

The resident used to collect her medication from the pharmacist at the surgery in Sennybridge, but has now been told she will have to collect her medication from a pharmacy 10 miles away.

The resident, who has asked not to be named, has regular visits from a doctor but has been told she must still travel to a pharmacy to collect her medication.

She said: “If we see a doctor and are prescribed medication, then we have to go into Brecon surgery, or Boots, or the clinic in the Bulwark for it.

“It’s a difficult situation - we’ve always had a pharmacist in the village, now we don’t really.

“When you aren’t feeling very well and need your medication, the last thing you want to do is a 20-mile round trip for it. The village is up in arms about it!

“My concern is will they eventually close Sennybridge clinc? I don’t know, but it’s not good at the minute.”

The resident also shared her concerns that patients from the surrounding areas may now have to phone Brecon surgery more often, which may lead to even greater traffic on already busy phone lines.

The GP Partners of Brecon Medical Group Practice responded to the worries of the Pentrefelin resident about collecting her medication from Brecon, and said: “The GP Partners of Brecon Medical Group Practice appreciate feedback from patients regarding patient services and would ask that the patient contacts the Practice directly in order that they may address the concerns raised.”