When mother-of-two Claire Sebburn was asked to be the latest model for the Help for Heroes clothing range, she couldn't say no.

Claire Sebburn, 47, from Brecon, says her husband, Steve Sebburn, a former soldier with the Queen’s Dragoon Guards, owes his life to the charity’s unwavering support. 

Help for Heroes played a crucial role in Steve's rehabilitation, providing not just medical and physical support, but also emotional and community connections that helped the entire Sebburn family.  "The Help for Heroes community is fantastic," Claire said.

"There is always somebody to talk to. These people train so hard to fight for their country, and when they get injured, the support journey can be tough. Help for Heroes steps in at these critical moments.

"Without Help for Heroes and their involvement in Steve’s Invictus Games journey, Steve wouldn’t be here. They gave Steve a sense of belonging again and provided the support our family desperately needed."

Claire and Steve’s journey with the charity began after he sustained a severe back injury during a training exercise in Germany in 2014. Steve lost his footing while exiting a helicopter, and his heavy landing ruptured two disks in his back, leading to drop foot, Sixth Nerve Palsy, epilepsy, severe migraines, and syncope.

Steve underwent a lumbar puncture at the hospital in Germany. Unfortunately, the procedure went wrong, causing him to bleed spinal fluid for six days. He narrowly escaped death thanks to an emergency procedure. However, in 2015, doctors delivered Steve with the devastating news that he would never run or cycle again. 

Throughout this harrowing experience, Claire was by his side, witnessing everything. She said: “I felt like my whole world was about to end. We’ve been together 24 years and have two children together. To think you might not have someone is horrendous. The worst thing was thinking I would have to tell the kids Dad isn’t coming home. It was tough. When someone you love is in that situation, you feel like you can’t collapse. You must be strong for them.”    Steve’s incredible resilience saw him get back on his bike and later he competed in the Invictus Games in 2017 and 2018, earning multiple medals including Gold and Bronze. “It was so nice for the kids to see their Dad happy again and thanks to Help for Heroes, doing what he loves to do. Being around families in the same situation was invaluable!”    Now, Claire is modelling Help for Heroes' new merchandise to encourage people to support the charity.

The new line includes high-quality T-shirts, which Claire personally endorses. "The quality of the T-shirts is really nice. They are thick, iron well, and everything I have from 2017 still looks great."

Help for Heroes is committed to providing ongoing support for wounded veterans and their families. By purchasing the new merchandise, supporters can contribute to a charity that makes a tangible difference in the lives of those who have sacrificed so much. 

"These men and women put their lives on the line for us. When Help for Heroes steps in, it's such a vital charity to help these men and women get their lives back on track. It gives families their life back, too. If buying this merchandise helps the charity, then why not!"

If you have been inspired by Claire and Steve’s story, you can visit: https://shop.helpforheroes.org.uk/ to support Help for Heroes.