Compared with previous centuries, there aren’t many functions that are actually required of modern High Sheriffs. But one is particularly important just now. High Sheriffs are the Returning Officers for county constituencies in Wales and England at parliamentary elections. So in the early hours of the morning on July 5 I’ll be announcing the winners in the two new parliamentary constituencies of Brecon, Radnor and Cwm-Tawe and of Montgomeryshireand Glyndwr.

Being Returning Officer doesn’t actually mean that I have to do anything other than announce the result. All the complicated and time-sensitive business of running the election is done by the magnificent team of officials at County Hall. They do a wonderful job, as do the people who staff the almost 200 polling stations around the county from 7am till 10pm. I plan to get around a few of these on July 4 to thank people personally.

But elections also depend on people putting their heads above the parapet and standing for election, as well as on those committed individuals who support candidates – by canvassing or delivering leaflets (a challenge in a sparsely populated county like Powys) or by providing a whole range of back-room support. As High Sheriff, I have met a lot of people who do such great work as volunteers in a range of areas from conservation to refugee support and from the WI to cave rescue, but at election time I think there should be a shout-out for these “democracy volunteers” as well. Without them, the electoral system wouldn’t function.

Most of us will vote on July 4. Some will decide not to. Some of us feel passionate about politics. Some of us are indifferent or even hostile. But we ought to remember at election time how lucky we are to have the free elections that people in other countries can only envy and be grateful to those who make that happen.

After July 5, when I’ve caught up on my sleep, I’m looking forward to doing a lot more in my High Sheriff role. Any suggestions from readers are welcome. You can email me [email protected]. You can also follow me on my Facebook page High Sheriff of Powys, or on X (formerly Twitter) @USPowysHS