A woman who has lost nearly eight stone has praised the support she receives from her local Slimming World group.

Mandy Morris attends the Llandrindod Wells group, which is held at The Royal British Legion building every Saturday morning.

She joined Slimming World two years ago and hasn’t looked back since.

“I decided I had to do something when I looked back at the photos from my niece’s wedding from the year before,” explained Mandy.

“I am nearly seven stone and 10lb lighter and feel so much better - I am determined to reach my target and stay there.”

The Llandrindod Wells group is run by Anna James, who also runs a group in Builth.

Speaking about her pride in Mandy, Anna said: “She is so determined, focused and committed and is a real inspiration. Her weight loss is incredible and it was wonderful to award her with her target this week!”

Anna’s groups are on Thursdays at 5:30pm and 7pm at The Strand Hall, Builth Wells and at 9:30am at The British Legion, Llandrindod Wells.

“I now help out at Anna’s groups in Builth Wells and in Llandrindod Wells where she has taken over - all three groups are amazing and the encouragement and support from everyone is great,” added Mandy.

“I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today without the encouragement and support from both Bryan (Collins) and Anna - thank you both so much.”