Independent Group members of Powys County Council are still waiting to hear whether their request for an urgent motion to pause plans for Household Waste Recycling Centre changes will be heard at Thursday’s council meeting, despite submitting it 10 days ago.

The Lib-Dem/Labour administration has chosen to implement a booking system at all recycling centres from March 25, 2025, and introduce new charges from April 1.

“The reasons why the motion is urgent and should be taken at the meeting is that further information has come to light that affects the implementation of the new system that we were not aware of before the deadline,” said Cllr Beverley Baynham, Joint Leader of the Opposition Party.

“Therefore, the motion could not be submitted in time and should be validated as urgent as it cannot be dealt with by any other means.

“These changes will create unnecessary difficulties and a further financial burden for Powys residents.

“There are concerns that the introduction of booking slots will lead to an increase in fly tipping that will put an extra burden on the already stretched budget.

“Further to approving this decision new evidence has become available that we would like the cabinet to review. Our neighbours in Shropshire Council introduced a booking system last November and recently abandoned it due to it being unsuccessful.

“We would like to request the Cabinet place the introduction of this new system on hold whilst further scrutiny of the issues faced in Shropshire can be investigated and further consideration given to whether this new system is necessary.”

Following the publishing of the changes Cllr Joy Jones, Independent member for Newtown East, created an online petition that has gained 4,000 signatures and is supported by all members of The Independent Group.

The urgent motion has been proposed by Cllr Baynham, the member for Presteigne and seconded by Cllr Gareth Jones, the member for Llanelwedd.