James Evans has congratulated Eluned Morgan on being officially nominated as Wales' First Minister.

Ms Morgan has become Wales' first female First Minister, 25 years after the post was created.

The former health secretary was unopposed in the contest to be Welsh Labour's leader.

Reacting to today’s news, Brecon and Radnorshire MS James Evans said: “I’d like to congratulate Eluned Morgan MS on her election as the new First Minister of Wales, and subsequently as the first woman to take up the role.  I wish her all the best in tackling the challenges left behind by her predecessor.

“Being a regional member of the Senedd for Mid and West Wales, and a Welsh Government Minister for almost seven years, Ms Morgan should be aware of the challenges being faced by our communities – the very people she represents.

“I hope that going forward this will remain at the forefront of her mind when it comes to significant decisions being made around issues such as health, education, and transport.”

Ms Morgan has confirmed Huw Irranca-Davies as her deputy first minister.