I am writing to you following a column in your paper titled Number of factory farms located in Powys ‘appalling’.”

Farmers in the area will be shocked and angered at the image that this column will have portrayed to your readers. This depiction of so called ‘factory farms’ couldn’t be further from the truth for poultry farmers in Powys.

Poultry farmers in the county take their responsibilities seriously and take great pride in operating their businesses to the highest animal welfare standards.

In addition to being a heavily regulated sector, farmers work closely with their vets and animal health professionals to ensure the best care for their animals.  They do all of this to produce high quality, traceable food to meet increasing consumer demand for eggs and poultry meat, which form a staple part of an affordable, versatile and healthy diet.

We mustn’t forget that the sector has been vitally important in underpinning the viability of many family farms in the county, providing opportunities for the next generation as well as local employment.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Powell

NFU Cymru Brecon and Radnor County Chair