Mid Wales Opera (MWO) has launched an emergency fundraising appeal to help get it back on the road and performing shows.

The company, which had been threatened with closure as a result of Arts Council Wales (ACW) cuts, has recently been thrown a vital lifeline with a cash injection of £75,906.

The welcome boost comes from Powys County Council’s grant funding programme, aimed at supporting and transforming the creative industries within the region. This was secured through the UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF).

In September it emerged that MWO would not been offered funding as part of ACW’s 2023 Investment Review. The decision was described by MWO at the time as a “hammer blow” for both performers and audiences.

The board of MWO submitted an appeal on the decision in November, in the hope that funding could be secured once again, but this was unsuccessful.

But thanks to this recent cash injection, a brighter future for the company - which was founded in 1989 - now looks more possible.

MWO is now asking its many supporters and all those who care about sustaining live opera in Wales and across the UK to help put it back on its feet.

The company has a rich history of producing and touring opera across Wales and supporting the career development of young artists early in their professional career. This crucial funding will keep MWO on the road, helping the company  to redefine its mission, reassess its business model, and explore new means of funding. As a result of this funding, MWO is only around £50,000 short of the budget needed to secure a sustainable future for at least three years, centred on an annual 'SmallStages' tour and related education and outreach work, with potential to add on a range of exciting new projects. 

Now, MWO is launching an emergency fundraising appeal to bridge this funding gap. The appeal, which includes a dedicated donation page on their website - https://www.midwalesopera.co.uk/support/help-get-mid-wales-opera-back-on-the-road/ - aims to raise the necessary funds based on the news of the grant - plus two generous personal donations totalling £15,000. 

Gareth Williams, Chair of the Board at MWO said: “Only a few months ago, we thought we would have no opportunity but to close down after one last production this autumn. But now, we are within touching distance of being able to put in place a three year programme of work, based around our much loved SmallStages tours, together with work in schools to introduce children and young people to this wonderful artform.

“All we need to make this happen is to raise an additional £50,000 over the next nine months, and - thanks to the enormous generosity of two anonymous donors - we are already a third of the way there! We've been really moved by the incredible encouragement and support we've received over the last six months or so - now we just need to turn some of that into cash!. And if we can raise even more than our target, we have more really exciting projects in mind!”

MWO’s most recent work was a touring production of Verdi’s Macbeth - a gripping tale of power, manipulation and tragic descent. The production toured nine venues in Wales and just over the border throughout March - including a performance in Brecon’s Theatr Brycheiniog on March 23.

The touring company has an average cast and orchestra of 25 and is committed to delivering a real and tangible experience for young performing artists, with at least 50 per cent of the company’s singers being under the age of 30 or less than four years out of education.