A motion of no confidence against a Powys County Council cabinet member has been rejected by the council’s chairman.

Last week it was revealed a motion of no confidence had been submitted in a bid to remove Cllr Jackie Charlton from her role as the cabinet member for a greener Powys.

The motion had been put forward by Powys Independent joint group leader Cllr Beverley Baynham and was backed by Conservative group leader, Cllr Aled Davies and Plaid Cymru group leader, Cllr Elwyn Vaughan.

Originally it had been believed that the motion would go to a future full council meeting to be debated by all councillors.

But the council has now clarified the process and explained that the motion would go to the council chairman first, who would decide whether or not the motion could go forward to be debated by all councillors.

The council has confirmed that the motion has been mulled over and was rejected by council chairman, Conservative Cllr Jonathan Wilkinson.

A council spokesman said: “The motion of no confidence has not been accepted at this time.”

Cllr Gibson-Watt said: “I believe that the chair of council’s decision is a wise one.

“He has dealt with this matter in an exemplary way.

“The motion was, in my view, ill-conceived and inappropriate.”

The motion had been brought against Cllr Charlton partly due to a decision taken by cabinet on changes to the home to school transport policy, which comes under her remit.

Cllr Charlton’s portfolio of responsibilities include, highways, transport and recycling, countryside services, environmental matters, climate change and de-carbonisation.

Cllr Gibson- Watt continued: “The decision on school transport was one taken by the full cabinet, as all decisions of such significance are, following a full and proper process that included examination of the issue at a joint scrutiny committee meeting.

“So, to focus the motion on one cabinet member was wrong and unfair.”

“Powys County Council’s Cabinet remains united in its support for Cllr Charlton.

“She retains my full confidence she is doing excellent work as a cabinet member.”

The reason given behind the motion not progressing is a lack of details as to why it has been submitted.

The lack of detail would not allow Cllr Charlton to defend herself if the motion had been allowed to go to full council.

Cllr Baynham said: “I was surprised the motion for a vote of no confidence had been rejected.

“I do not agree with the reasons given for the refusal as precedent has been set in the past, however I am happy to provide further information of our concerns.”

Cllr Baynham, who served in the cabinet during the last administration believes that the argument that decisions are made by the whole cabinet should not be used a defence against the motion.

Cllr Baynham said: “It is a portfolio holders responsibility to own their decisions, not hide behind the cabinet structure.”

Cllr Baynham added that a meeting to discuss the issues had been suggested by Cllr Gibson-Watt.

Cllr Baynham said: “We were delighted to accept this offer and hope to be able to present our concerns regarding the home to school transport policy, the car park review, and the wider concerns regarding sustainable Powys.”