Local artists Daisy Dixon and Kate Green are set to open tandem exhibitions of new work at The Sidney Nolan Trust, Presteigne.

Developed from their time as artists in residence, the exhibitions offer a unique insight into their year-long enquiries. 

Both artists have drawn inspiration from the Trust’s important Sidney Nolan collection and archive, and the built environment at The Rodd, developing significant new bodies of work that invite viewers to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery.

Dixon’s focus is 17th-century Rodd Court, Sidney and Mary Nolan’s former home. She has responded to the domestic remnants within the space, particularly those left by Mary Nolan, through drawings, photography and print. 

Daisy Dixon artist
Daisy Dixon’s focus is 17th-century Rodd Court, Sidney and Mary Nolan’s former home (Image supplied)

Green’s starting point is entirely different, taking her inspiration from a postcard Sidney Nolan sent to his ‘Mother & Pop’ before embarking for Antarctica in 1964. Through her research-driven practice, she has explored local Glacial Lake Wigmore's historical, geological, and social history. 

Green’s exhibition includes five exceptional Sidney Nolan Antarctica paintings drawn from the Trust's collection. 

The two exhibitions are united by traces - of lives and landscapes - showcasing the fruits of Dixon and Green’s immersion within this creative environment. 

Daisy Dixon said: “The Resident Artist Programme at the Sidney Nolan Trust has been a profoundly transformative experience, both personally and artistically. It has been a catalyst for exploring new avenues in my creative process, prompting reflection on my artist identity and the next chapter of my practice. Exploring the history of Rodd Court and connecting with Presteigne’s vibrant community has been very special and enriching, leaving me eagerly anticipating the possibilities that lie ahead.”

Kate Green added: “The residency has been an extraordinary adventure and through the exhibition, I hope visitors will be able to share my voyage of discovery in landscapes near and far...”

Antony Mottershead, Creative Producer for the Sidney Nolan Trust said: “We are really delighted to continue supporting artists in our region and to present new creative responses that explore aspects of our collection and history.”

Both artists will lead a tour and talk about the exhibitions on Saturday, June 22 at 2pm. 

For more information, please visit www.sidneynolantrust.org