Plans to permanently change a tennis court at Bronllys Community Hospital near Brecon into a car park, have been lodged with Powys County Council planners.

Powys Teaching Health Board used the tennis court as a temporary car park to help with the COVID-19 testing and vaccination efforts.

The site is a 420 square metre rectangular land parcel within the wider setting of Bronllys Hospital.

Agent Gwen Thomas of Asbri Planning Ltd explained the proposal in a planning statement.

Ms Thomas said: “It is proposed to regularise the use of the former tennis court as a car park providing 25 spaces.

“The change of use was previously done in response to the coronavirus pandemic whereby the hospital was used as a testing centre and staff and visitor numbers to the site had increased accordingly.

“Additional parking spaces were required to ensure the efficient running of the hospital’s services at a time of global pandemic.

“Since the car park has assisted the health board in being able to operate effectively, it is proposed to retain the spaces moving forward.

“Whilst the proposals were previously undertaken under permitted development rights, it is now necessary to regularise this change of use.”

An existing 49 space car park next is next to the tennis court.

Bronllys Hospital
Bronllys Hospital near Brecon (Google Street View)

Ms Thomas added: “The on-site works required to convert the tennis court to a car park were minimal as it was already hard surfaced, level and fenced.

“The only works required comprised of a fresh layer of tarmac and line markings for the 25 parking spaces.

“A further, small extent of new tarmac was required to link the former tennis court to the existing car park to the south.”

“Visually, the car park does not comprise a significant departure from the former tennis court as both uses necessitate a level, tarmacked surface.”

Ms Thomas said: “The proposed layout and design has been well considered to ensure that development responds positively to its surrounding context.

“The location, siting, design and scale is considered to not only conform to but assimilate into the surrounding landscape.”

Ms Thomas adds that the proposal agrees with both national and local planning policies and is “justified.”

A decision on the application is needed by November 16.