Historic plans for nearly 100 homes in Llanidloes have been given the green light by Powys planners.

The reserved matters application, submitted by Andrew Thomas, outlines the development of 96 homes on land next to Dolwgwenith and Tan y Bryn Du Road. The application was lodged with Powys County Council over three and a half years ago in August 2021.

The development will feature a mix of two, three, and four-bedroom homes, along with vehicle access, infrastructure, and all associated works.

The scheme also includes provision for 10 affordable homes.

The principle of developing the site was agreed in October 2017, when an outline planning application for 96 dwellings was approved by the Powys planning committee.

This approval came despite the application being classified as a "departure" from the Local Development Plan, as the site lies outside the town boundary.

Initially, the application proposed 86 dwellings, as the developer had to consider new Welsh Government legislation on environmental impact that emerged after 2017.

However, as the process progressed, the scheme has increased to 96 houses.

Planning officer Richard Edwards said: “The mix of dwellings proposed is considered appropriate and will provide a range of living options for prospective residents.

“The site which is agricultural pastureland is boarded by hedgerows and trees and will form an extension to Llanidloes on its southern side which comprises of existing residential dwellings.

“Given the expansion of housing development in this area it would complement the existing built development of the area.”

Mr Edwards explained in his report that council highway officers had conducted "extensive consultation" with the developer over the site's "internal layout."

As a result, revised information was submitted by the applicant to address detailed highway infrastructure requirements.

Mr Edwards said:  “It is still acknowledged that significant detail is missing from the submission, but conditions have been recommended by highways to ensure that sufficient detail is secured.

“Officers having reviewed the conditions proposed, consider them to be appropriate and will therefore be attached to any granting of planning permission.”

He added that his decision is to approve the development.

A further sustainable drainage application will need to be approved before building work can start.