Labour candidate for the brand-new parliamentary constituency of Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe, Matthew Dorrance, has welcomed the results of a Farmers Weekly social media poll, showing that over 61% of respondents planned to back Labour at the General Election on Thursday, July 4.

Farmers Weekly is the leading source of news, information and events for the UK farming and agricultural industry. It posted a poll on the social media platform X - formerly Twitter - on Tuesday, June 11.

Nearly 14,000 people responded, with 61% of people who voted saying they would support Labour and its plans.

Responding to the poll, Matthew Dorrance said: "Farmers Weekly is a well-respected source of news, analysis and advice for the farming sector, which it has served for ninety years, so it is really excellent news that its poll has backed Labour so overwhelmingly.   

"Three out of five respondents said they would vote for Labour after fourteen years of Tory failure, and for our long-term plans that will rebuild our country and get its future back.   

"This tallies with the response we are getting on the doorsteps in Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe, with electors turning to Labour and supporting me as the local choice for our constituency.   

"Successive polls show the choice here is between me and Rishi Sunak's candidate, so if you want change please vote Labour in the General Election."