The leader of Powys County Council, Liberal Democrat Cllr James Gibson-Watt, has criticised the Powys Conservative group, accusing them of failing to engage in meaningful discussions regarding this year’s budget, despite being invited to the table.

The Lib Dems claim it highlights “a worrying prioritisation of party politics over the pressing needs of Powys residents.”

In light of the challenging financial climate facing local authorities across Wales and the UK, the Lib Dems said that collaborative discussions are more important than ever.

A spokesperson for the party said: “The opportunity to shape a fair and balanced budget that protects vital services and supports residents through difficult times requires all political groups to work together.

“However, the Powys Conservatives’ absence from these discussions has raised concerns about their commitment to serving the best interests of the community. By declining the invitation to contribute, they have chosen to stand apart from the democratic process, leaving vital conversations one-sided and less representative of all voices in Powys.”

Leader of Powys County Council, Cllr James Gibson-Watt said: “We invited all opposition political and independent groups to come to the table, engage in open dialogue, and find solutions to the significant challenges facing Powys.

“The refusal by Powys Conservatives to participate is deeply disappointing. It’s a missed opportunity for them to advocate for the residents they claim to represent.”

Cllr Gibson-Watt has called on the Powys Conservatives to reconsider their stance and return to the table, and demonstrate the collaborative spirit needed to serve all residents of Powys effectively.

Powys Conservatives have declined to comment on the matter.