A tactical voting website has backed the Liberal Democrats and candidate David Chadwick as the best way to defeat the Conservatives in Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe. 

The website – Tactical.Vote identifies that if the last election had included the parts of the Upper Swansea Valley added to the Constituency as a result of the recent boundary changes, the Liberal Democrats would have come second to the Conservatives, with Labour in third. 

The constituency of Brecon and Radnorshire has been a Liberal Democrat – Conservative marginal for the last 40 years, with the seat represented by one of the two parties at both Westminster and the Senedd level since 1985. 

At the last election, the Liberal Democrats came second with 36 per cent of the vote vs the Conservatives 53 per cent. Labour came third with 9.5 per cent.

Commenting on the news his candidacy has been backed by Tactical.Vote Liberal Democrat Candidate for Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe David Chadwick said: “I’ve spent the last two years knocking on doors up and down our constituency. It is clear people are disappointed and fed up with the constant chaos, sleaze and scandal with the Conservatives.

“I want to be an MP who is a strong voice standing up for our communities in London, rather than being the Government’s spokesperson in the constituency.  

“I know past Liberal Democrats representatives like Roger Williams and Kirsty Williams are extremely fondly remembered right across the Constituency from the hills of Rhayader to Ystradgynlais and the industrial Swansea Valleys and it is in their hard-working tradition I hope to follow. 

“I am glad to see Tactical.Vote recognises even with recent boundary changes, the Liberal Democrats are still best placed to win this constituency. But I know we can’t take anything for granted, especially in new parts of the Constituency.

“I intend to spend the next few weeks as I have spent the last two years, knocking on doors and asking people to give me a chance to prove to them that we can restore integrity in our politics.”