Cllr Matthew Dorrance has written to the CEO of Powys Teaching Health Board (PTHB) over upcoming changes to the opening times of the Minor Injury Unit (MIU) at Breconshire War Memorial Hospital.

The health board yesterday announced the MIU at Brecon War Memorial Hospital will close overnight from September. Llandrindod Wells War Memorial Hospital MIU will also see a reduction of its opening hours.

Brecon, currently open 24 hours a day, will be open from 8am to 8pm. Llandrindod Wells will also change to 8am to 8pm opening hours.

PHTB has said the changes are temporary, and will take place from September 2024 for a period of six months.

The health board cited challenges to maintain quality, safety, outcomes and financial sustainability for patients and communities as the reason for the changes, and said these immediate steps “would help maintain quality services within available resource”.

Brecon councillor and Deputy Leader of Powys County Council Cllr Dorrance has this afternoon (Thursday) written to the health board’s Chief Executive Officer, Hayley Thomas, outlining his concerns about the plans.

“I am extremely concerned to have learned through the press about the Health Board’s proposals for overnight closure of the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) at Breconshire War Memorial Hospital (BWMH),” the letter reads.

“I will be asking Llais to review your decision as I believe it is a change to local services which should be subject to assessment, consultation and scrutiny.”

Cllr Dorrance said the MIU at Brecon is “an essential local service” and the hospital itself is loved and held in high regard.

He explained that while he “appreciated the pressures falling on the NHS” he thinks the decision to move to overnight closure is “shortsighted”.

Cllr Dorrance added that he fears the move could increase demand presenting at A&E departments or lead to people in need not presenting for care at all.

In the letter, Cllr Dorrance asked to meet with Ms Thomas as a matter of urgency. He also asked for a variety of assessments and impact reports relating to the decision for the overnight closure, as well as evidence of consultations, and assurance about the future delivery of services at the Brecon hospital.

PTBH has said that a period of engagement with patients, the public and staff is taking place during the summer to explain the temporary changes and invite feedback.

Further details will be available from the health board’s website at from Monday (July 29) with engagement taking place until Sunday, August 25.