Powys County Council is set to evaluate nearly 50 sites across the region as part of a review of the 20mph speed limits implemented last year.

This follows a feedback exercise conducted by the Welsh Government from April to August, inviting residents to share their views on the changes.

During this consultation, the council gathered insights from the community regarding the new speed limits.

The feedback revealed:

• 53 responses requesting revoking of the 20mph policy, which will be directed to the Welsh Government as the council cannot act on these.

• 97 responses in support of maintaining the 20mph limits.

• 67 responses calling for specific speed limit adjustments, including some requesting a return to 30mph in certain areas or the implementation of 20mph limits in others. These requests pertain to 48 individual sites or sections of road.

• 25 responses related to speed limit requests that fall outside the Welsh Government’s 20mph review but will be considered once new guidelines are published.

The council will now assess feedback for the identified sites in line with revised Welsh Government guidance issued in July.

This process involves several steps, including reviewing safety impacts before any speed limit changes are proposed.

Local councillors and town and community councils will be consulted on any recommended changes (either back to 30mph or down to 20mph) - which will then go through a statutory traffic regulation order (TRO) process, including public consultations. 

Cllr Jackie Charlton said: “We are grateful to those who took the time to provide us with feedback during the Welsh Government’s recent listening exercise.

“It was pleasing to receive so many positive comments in support of the 20mph policy and how residents felt it had improved road safety and the local environment in their communities.

“For the 48 identified individual sites or section of road the process will now begin to assess the feedback against the newly published Welsh Government guidance.

“For any roads where the speed limit could be changed, we will be liaising with the relevant local councillors and Town and Community Councils. There will also be an opportunity for people to have their say on any further changes.”