Two Breconshire pubs came together recently for a charity night to raise money for the Turkey-Syria Earthqauke Appeal.

The Tai’r Bull Inn, Libanus and The Clarence Inn, Brecon joined forces to host an evening which raised an incredible £2,000.

The money raised will help provide vital aid and support to people affected by the earthquakes, which took place in February and have killed more than 57,000 people.

The charity event was held at The Clarence Inn and included a three-course meal with a free drink, entertainment, games and a raffle.

Katie Coop, proprietor of The Tai’r Bull Inn joined forces with The Clarence Inn proprietor Kate Williams, to ensure the night was a huge success.

The Tai’r Bull’s chef ‘Irish Ian’ cooked a three-course meal with help from Clarence’s Kate, before various games and activities took place.

Organisers would like to thank Paddy Sweeney, Chad MacDonald from Brecon Fishmongers, Molson Coors and Wye Valley Brewery for their generous donations.