The Rhayader Carnival committee has hosted a bingo evening and donated the monies raised from the raffle to the local community nursery.
This follows on from a sponsored toddle waddle last summer held by the nursery children and a 10-mile sponsored walk held by the staff and some of the carnival committee members. The nursery wanted to donate money to the carnival to help keep the event going.
Over Christmas the carnival committee also held a lucky square competition and raised money for the Rhayader branch of Cancer Research.
The committee was also supposed to hold another event and were set to donate the raffle money from this, and although the event fell through, they still wanted to do their part, as the ladies kindly support them and run the tea tent at the carnival each year.
Both local organisations received more than £200.
Rhayader Carnival week this year runs during the third week of July with the carnival day itself taking place on Saturday, July 20.