PARTIES were held all over Powys last the weekend to celebrate the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Christ College hosted an afternoon tea party at their junior school, St Nicholas House, in Brecon on Friday, the day before the wedding, which included party food and a wedding cake competition.

Staff and pupils at the junior school dressed up in their own wedding outfits for the occasion, and a one-year-old Shetland pony, called Cinnamon, owned by pupil Cai Morgan, was dubbed the “royal mascot” for the day.

Another venue to host a royal celebration was the Wylesfield Residential Care Home in Llandrindod Wells. The care home on Lant Avenue hosted a ‘Royal Wedding Tea Part’ on Saturday from 11.30am until 3pm. The party welcomed the friends and families of its residents to watch the wedding, which started at midday, and offered a buffet lunch and refreshments.

The home was decorated in bunting and flags for the occasion with cardboard cutouts of The Queen, Harry and Meghan waiting to welcome guests while royal wedding themed music was playing.

Some residents in Powys were invited to Windsor to witness the now Duke and Duchess of Sussex as they tied the knot. The Lord Lieutenant of Powys Dame Shan Legge-Bourke selected the three Powys county chairmen for Young Farmers to attend the wedding from the grounds outside St George’s Chapel in Windsor along with 17-year-old flight sergeant Callum Hadwen from the Llandrindod Wells air cadets squadron.

The county chairman of Radnor YFC, Gemma Bufton, from Dolau, was in the crowd of around 2,000 people outside the chapel along with the county chairman for Breconshire, Mark Powell, and Montgomeryshire, Caryl Hughes.

Gemma, 29, who attended with her mother Dorothy, said: “It was amazing, it really was a once-in-a life-time experience – much better than I could ever have imagined.

“We were outside the chapel so we didn’t really get the opportunity to speak to anybody but we did get to see all of the guests arriving.

“I took my mum because she’s always been happy to support me with Young Farmers. She absolutely loved it – her highlight was seeing the Queen with Prince Phillip and it actually brought a tear to her eye.”

Mark Dyer, originally from Llangynidr and a friend of both Prince Harry and Prince William, was one of the ushers at the royal occasion, while his wife Amanda assisted their son Jasper who was one of the page boys.

Amanda could be seen on television screens across the UK as she assisted Jasper and the other pageboys with their mothers up the stairs to St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle.

Dame Shan Legge-Bourke was also in the chapel for the wedding along with her son Harry and his wife Iona with their son Locky, and Dame Legge-Bourke’s daughter Zara Gordon Lennox with her husband Angus.

The previous personal assistant to Prince Charles and companion to both of the princes, Tiggy Pettifer, previously Tiggy Legge-Bourke, also attended the ceremony with her husband Charlie.

Dame Shan Legge-Bourke said: “It was absolutely wonderful, and the flowers really were beautiful. We were all over the moon with cellist and the Welsh soprano.”

Talking about American Revd Michael Curry, who turned heads with his flamboyant message in St George’s Chapel, she said: “He was certainly different, it was quite refreshing really. He made us smile and giggle a little bit as well.”