Political opponents have reacted to news that four Welsh Government ministers have resigned, calling for First Minister Vaughan Gething to step down from the role.

Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrat’s Jane Dodds MS said: “Vaughan Gething has now lost both the confidence of the Senedd and several members of his own Government; he must resign from his position as First Minister.

“We cannot afford to allow internal fighting in Welsh labour to distract us any longer from the range of serious issues facing our country. 

“The Welsh people are sick and tired of constant political scandals and broken promises, they want to see a political system that works for them.

“We as the Welsh Liberal Democrats will deliver that change”.

Following the mass resignation Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth MS said,  “Vaughan Gething has led a government of chaos and put his own self-interest before the interests of the people of Wales.

 “For months, the First Minister’s poor judgement, aversion to scrutiny and ‘do nothing’ approach to governing has undermined the office of First Minister and brought Welsh politics into disrepute.

 “Seldom have heads of government in a democracy disregarded the will of its legislature by carrying on despite losing a vote of confidence.

 “The Labour party has thrown its weight behind Vaughan Gething and Keir Starmer has acted as his main cheerleader. The Ministers who resigned today are equally culpable, they should have acted far sooner than their eleventh hour intervention when it was a case of one bad headline too many.

 “The people of Wales are losing faith in Labour’s ability to govern Wales. In its attitude of ‘our way or no way’ and in its record of delivery which is increasingly found wanting – Labour is out of ideas and running out of road with the public.

Andrew RT Davies MS, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, said: “Vaughan Gething’s time as First Minister is rightly coming to an end.

 “But Labour cannot fool the people of Wales. These Ministers, like Jeremy Miles, sat in his Cabinet, they stood by his side, and they are culpable for the breakdown of governance in Wales.

 “Wales will remember.”