This month six organisations in Powys will share over £175,000 in grant funding, awarded from The National Lottery Community Fund.

The National Lottery funding is being used to bring isolated people together in warm spaces, to support people struggling with the rising cost-of-living, and to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable people.

Age Cymru Powys will receive the lion's share of funding to deliver a Later Life MOT for people aged 65+ in Powys, targeting the most deprived, vulnerable, and frail.

The project will help participants to maximise income, health, and wellbeing.

Over two years, £99,760 will cover salaries, travel, monitoring and evaluation, overheads, and general running costs.

Gail Colbridge, Chief Officer at Age Cymru Powys, said: “We are extremely excited to be awarded this grant by The National Lottery Community Fund. This funding will help us respond to the needs of older people here in Powys to combat the cost-of-living crisis and tackle the challenges older people face, often alone. We cannot wait to start the Age UK Later Life MOT’s project. Thank you, National lottery players for helping to make a massive difference to older people here in Powys.”

Mike, who has been helped by Age Cymru Powys, said: “I’m so glad that Age Cymru Powys have received this funding. They have helped me so much; they’ve saved my life, all of them do an amazing job and work extremely hard. I’m pleased that they can help more older people like me.”

Llangorse Public Institute, based near Brecon, will renovate the village playground into an accessible multi-activity area for both children and young people, thereby reducing isolation and improving social interaction. Over one year, £45,543 will fund new play equipment.

Llanfihangel Nantbran Village Hall will create a children’s activity space where rurally isolated families can socialise and play together. £6,500 will fund toys, play equipment, and an external storage container.

Powys Local Teaching Health Board will create a sensory garden for patients in palliative care, those with dementia or sensory loss, and their families or visitors. £9,999 will fund building materials and labour.

Tregynon Village Hall will replace their boiler to improve the energy efficiency of the hall and keep hall hire costs as low as possible for the community. £9,500 will fund a boiler.

Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Parent and Teacher's Association in Machynlleth will upgrade the School Hall Sound system enabling the hall’s use both by pupils and members of the community. £4,250 will fund a wireless sound system and the installation costs.

John Rose, Wales Director at The National Lottery Community Fund, celebrated all the organisations saying: “It’s wonderful to see the impact our funded projects are having in people’s lives and across communities Wales. These funded projects are helping people to be connected, supported and to feel less isolated.

"We are supporting groups to deal with the pressures of cost of living and working flexibly to ensure that National Lottery funding is continuing to reach people who need support.”