Hay-on-Wye has had great representation in the Slow Food Awards 2023 with three businesses winning in the Welsh category, making the town a real hub for the Slow Food movement.
Chapters restaurant won Best Restaurant in the Welsh category.
Chapters has supported the Slow Food movement for several years now through being a business supporter, part of the Slow Food Cooks Alliance and hosting events.
Slow Food is a global, grassroots organisation with members around the world and is an international movement to promote good, clean, fair food for everyone.
A spokesperson for Chapters restaurant said: "The (Slow Food) movement is also reflected in what we do at Chapters and is evident on the menus that we serve. We are thrilled to win the award which is based on a public vote and want to thank each and every person for taking time out of their day to vote for Chapters."
This award sits alongside the Michelin Green Star that they won in 2022 and retained in 2023.
Chapters is adapting its set up, menu style and offering in 2024, partly as a reaction to the cost of living crisis but mainly to make it more accessible to everyone with a lower price point. This will give people the chance to make use of the space and their wine list on a Saturday day-time.
Hay Markets won the award for best market in the Welsh category, and Hay Deli was awarded with the best deli in Wales.
If you would like to learn more about the Slow Food Movement in Cymru Chapters will be hosting a networking event on the 24th January from 6pm – send Charmaine a message to say you would like to attend on: [email protected]